customer engagement

Customer Engagement to Improve Credibility

Reading Time: 8 minutes Most businesses trying to conquer the online world need to have a complete understanding of how to build a relationship with their customer that aims to improve their brand building, reputation, lead generation, etc. Customer engagement measures the company’s engagement with the audience across different touchpoints. Interacting with the customers often helps with brand building […]

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brand audit

How to Do a Brand Audit

Reading Time: 7 minutes Evaluating the current position of your brand in the market is referred to as brand audit. It allows you to identify your strength and realize the business opportunities around you. It also requires you to compare your current efforts with your competitors. Auditing your brand helps you assess the health of your company. It will […]

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fake news

Identify and Fight Against Fake News

Reading Time: 8 minutes Today, almost all people have internet access. However, with the recent development, we just hope that some people will be restricted from accessing it. These are the people who intentionally spread misinformation to hurt people’s reputations, harmful propaganda, and fake news article. Understand that we are not creating this guide to encourage you to report […]

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Link Building to Advance Brand Image

Reading Time: 7 minutes This may not be the first time you are reading a topic about backlink strategy. Some may tell you to focus on developing high-quality content, and link building for the brand image will have to take the backseat. Unfortunately, this is not a wise suggestion. Backlink remains one of the most important signals that Google […]

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