healthcare reputation management

Healthcare Reputation Management

Reading Time: 7 minutes If you have been working in the industry of healthcare, you will realize how important it is to have a healthy online reputation. Based on a recent survey, at least 81% of patients will read reviews before choosing their provider. Therefore, having a healthcare reputation management is necessary to ensure that you will be the […]

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Share of Voice

How to Calculate Share of Voice

Reading Time: 8 minutes Companies will continue to find new platforms and channels to promote their brand. It means that there will be new data and metrics that marketers will need to measure. The amount of information you need to monitor is enough to make you feel overwhelmed. You want to know which numbers greatly matter to your business […]

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customer engagement

Customer Engagement to Improve Credibility

Reading Time: 8 minutes Most businesses trying to conquer the online world need to have a complete understanding of how to build a relationship with their customer that aims to improve their brand building, reputation, lead generation, etc. Customer engagement measures the company’s engagement with the audience across different touchpoints. Interacting with the customers often helps with brand building […]

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brand audit

How to Do a Brand Audit

Reading Time: 7 minutes Evaluating the current position of your brand in the market is referred to as brand audit. It allows you to identify your strength and realize the business opportunities around you. It also requires you to compare your current efforts with your competitors. Auditing your brand helps you assess the health of your company. It will […]

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